Thursday, August 8, 2013


Tiffany is hopped up on frosted flakes and dreaming of salads laced with edible flowers started reminising about the sexy that is the silver fox of Night Court
OK OK his hair was really black there but it did go silver and HEY Im trying to be fast with this rumor for all I know while I was typing this she might have changed her mind !

#9 in The - The Silver Fox, about a smartass sex-obsessed attorney in NYC. Disclaimer: This is erotic Night Court fanfic.

this is genius 
Tiffany you need to eat more frosted flakes if that stuff makes you have these strokes of brilliance and enlightenment then yeah EAT MORE

Thursday, September 20, 2012

A QUEST for you

As some of you may know our obsession Tiffany has had a crush on this guy since she was 12:

(awkward pic of dave letterman here)

Now it is her DREAM to be interviewed by him. I'm sure she has other fantasies about him, but lets try to keep this clean and avoid the need for some of us to use:

So... what does this all have to do with us?

Well, like other creepy fans, we want to see the object of our obsession realize her fantasies!

And THIS IS WHERE a fan army comes in:

Things we need to do we need to try to get #TiffonDave to trend:

We need to bring this stuff to the attention of the powers that be at the Late show. Yes they have a twitter but they have ignored us:
Random eye candy to break up the monotony
(or they have me blocked it is possible I am quite annoying.)

I have tried to find someone who MIGHT have a connection with Dave and sadly the best I could get is an ex who broke up with him before he became famous, because she told him that comedy would never pay as a career and she did not think he was all that funny.

Different strokes for different folks.


WE can make a little girls dream come true:

So add #TiffonDave to every tweet! Spread the word.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

photographic PROOF!

now you may have read my rumor/conspiracy theory that I believe the character of
The Big Brad Wolf is based on

yeah you know I want that to be true

well now I have photographic proof that Tiffany and the very tasty Joe were a couple

YUP there it is clear as day

I told you I was right !!


OK some news

first #Nora was trending yes it was and all because of @Literati_Lit


ok ok it is dorky but still neat

NOW for the really really cool stuff you HAVE to see this

Andrew made this great shirts for Tiffany and WE can buy them so go on out and declare what team you love best The 8th Circle  

Go see fabulous designs like:

AND of course

Friday, August 10, 2012

The official cover for The Prince

First revealed in einfach_mich s goodreads The Original Sinners fan group
well played , my friend ,well played

you see Einfach as some call her and I have a friendly rivalry going over WHO is the biggest fangirl

she has this fancy schmacy goodreads group that discusses things all intellectual like


and a merchandise page

and plan for stalking Tiffany

and and and MANIPS DAMNIT!!

I would write a crazy manifesto about this however I am far to lazy to do that

so instead I will write Tiffany a poem

an ODE to Tiffany

I cannot rhyme
I cannot write
but your books
keep me up all night

hmmm that is not so bad it would be much creepier if I were a guy 

ba dum bump

Saturday, August 4, 2012

We are off to an awesome start!


We have Buttons designing fun stuff for us
We have Sarah editing my rambles
we have me drinking coffee and rambling
EVEN the great Tiffany has been promoting us

there is nothing like having the star author you stalk on twitter promote your little bitty fanblog

I am so touched by this outpouring of love i could just weep

We Here at The Original Sinners fanblog promise to bring you absolutely NO information whatsoever THIS is a pure fanblog of stupid fangirly creepiness complete with porn , gifs to make you laugh and missions for the sinners to go out and make the WOM advertising of a certain OTHER "BDSM" themed book look like a bunch of PANSIES (our first mission will be tomorrow maybe if I remember to do it )

I have a LOT of Soren fans ready and willing to start a fan war I think we need some people from team Zach or team Wesley to come here and fight it out
WHERE are the Team Griffin fans ?? I would think they would be dying to come defend the dirty playboys honor !!

and where is the outpouring of fanvideos !!

come on sinners get on that
other fandoms will start to mock us and well you know what will happen

we will probably sit there and take it because we love to be humiliated

Thursday, August 2, 2012

My Creepy fan page

HERE it is !!

I told Tiffany Reisz the brilliant amazing author of this fabulous book that there should be fan pages and fan wars and creepy manips dedicated to her book and characters.
Since no one volunteered  to be all creepy I will set this up myself
fair warning
I am the worlds worst blogger
I have great ideas and very little carry through power

Things this blog needs

crazy fan fights in the comments


fan videos about scenes in the book

a banner

someone to edit my creepy posts


a cafe press account to sell tee shirts so we can fund my creepy visits to all book signings so I can stalk Tiffany IRL instead of just on twitter 

team sex (oopps what an interesting typo) TEAM SECTIONS I am team Soren

creepy manips about the characters WHO do you picture as Nora? Soren? Westley? Zach? Kingsley?

Fan stories of how they saw the ACTUAL book in a bookstore and made it more visible

stories of how you got someone else to read the book

and of course brave souls to go out and get tattoos with their favorite quote from the book 

Go ahead and contact me here in the comments Im still setting up the rest of the nonsense that goes with a blog