OK lets start the team war
I expect a good clean cat fight
I want to see
and of course hair pulling
bonus points to the team that rips off the other teams shirts

annnnnnnnd go

THIS is the team Soren page under this tab (if I do this crap correctly) will be all team Soren things
including and fan videos (not made by me)
manips (perhaps one or two made by me)

Team Soren Fan tattoos

so come join us here
My Soren needs to be a tad older though

NOW we need an AWESOME Soren quote for this page so hit me in the comments with your favorite quote from The Siren.

Some collared Søren 

Paul Bettany is quite purrrfect as angry Søren


  1. I kind of love this Søren related quote: “Kid, Søren could eat you for breakfast and not even need to chew. Don’t ever fuck with a sadist, Wesley. For Søren, torture’s just foreplay.”

    And this Søren quote:
    “My confession begins," Father S said, "as the confessions of many men begin - with three words"

    "Father forgive me?" Michael hazarded a guess. Father S signed.

    "I met Eleanor.”

    Seriously - it was written for me. MEEEE!!!!!
